Members of the Yoga Bliss team had the great pleasure of attending the 2014 International Institute of Integral Human Sciences Conference from August 1st to 10th in Montreal. Dr. Bali introduced several keynote speakers, moderated sessions, danced, hugged and had deep conversations with participants on this years theme: the New Humanity.
- Dr Bali taking part in the presentation by Patch Adams.
- Dr Bali introducing the speakers Dr Joyce Hawkes and Helen Folsom who spoke on cell biology and cell level healing.
- Dr Bali in the discussions with a distinguished panel including Dr Raymond Moody and Dr Raj Parti, Dr Jose Miguel Gaona and Dr Joyce Hawkes on the subject of near death experiences.
- Dr Bali presenting the famous Dr. Joyce Hawkes and Helen Folsom, workshop “Awaken the healer within”
- Dr Bali interacting with Freddy Silva who spoke on the Templars in Portugal