Published by June Thompson, The Gazette on December 28, 2014
I came across the most perfect, fabulous quote recently. From Carl Bard: “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
Isn’t that just perfect? And especially at this time of year.
To start us off on the right foot as we enter 2015, I turn my column over to four experts. I asked each of them to answer this question; their answer reflects their area of expertise:
If we could change just one thing in 2015, what should it be, and why?
Here, in their words, are their answers:
Madan Bali, Founder of Yoga Bliss and the Bali Method of Yoga
Self love: If people could rediscover their magnificence, they could tap into all that is possible.
When you have self love, you do not have to seek the approval of others, you do not have to defend your point of view. You know who you are, there is no ego based awareness, everything and anything is possible. And when we go with the flow, and understand at the level of the rational mind that there will be highs and lows, there is no sense in resisting. What we resist, persists. We are the centre of the universe. Everything is connected. We are the very breath of the trees. We couldn’t survive without trees and they couldn’t survive without us. When we connect to the universe, we are not alone. We only fail when we stop trying, and it all begins with self love.
Joseph Flanders, PhD, OPQ, assistant professor, McGill University, director, The MindSpace Clinic
In 2015, you should fall back in love with the present moment.
When you were a kid, you were endlessly fascinated by the richness of your experiences. I see this with my 16-month old daughter all the time. When she reaches out for the stream of water coming out of the bathtub faucet, it blows her mind how the water spreads out and envelops her whole hand. She can’t stop exploring it. Other objects she comes across simply don’t behave that way. I can see her eyes light up because of the novelty, the beauty, the sensory richness. I can easily imagine her in 40 years being like the rest of us: busy planning or worrying about the future, ruminating about everything that went wrong yesterday; and glossing over the mind-blowing complexity that is waking life. I hope she remembers what it’s like to engage in the present moment like that.
While it has become a neuro-scientific fact that a wandering mind is associated with more stress, anxiety and sadness, falling in love with the present moment offers much more than that. It connects us to what makes life rich and meaningful; it grounds us in our authentic selves; it helps us be resilient in the face of challenges; it fosters gratitude and compassion for ourselves and others; and it makes life more joyful. We are alive for such a short time; wouldn’t it be nice to actually be here for it?
If you’d like to know how this is done, you can start right now: give yourself permission to let go of whatever your thoughts are preoccupied with — just for two minutes. Next, find your breath and just notice those sensations in your body for a few moments. If you’re up for it, you can open up to the sights, sounds, and smells around you — just taking them all in without any particular need to judge, analyze or elaborate on all of that. Now, how do you feel?
Kacey Baines: Certified Personal Trainer, Epicentre Training
Stop treating your health and fitness goals as an “all or nothing” situation. Don’t wake up on Jan. 1 and decide to quit smoking, work out 5 days per week, and overhaul your diet. Striving for perfection will wear you down and kill success in the long run.
Start with one small thing, even if it means working out one day per week or eating one healthy meal per day. Be realistic about the changes you can make and what will be sustainable with your lifestyle. Feel good about the steps you’ve made, however insignificant they might seem.
When your new habit simply becomes part of your routine, then it’s time to add a “layer,” and introduce another small change. Consistent steps over time is the secret to success!
Lisa Rutledge, registered dietitian
Start loving (or at least be more forgiving of) your body. It may sound hard, even counterintuitive, but it’s worth the effort. Disliking or feeling ashamed of your body or weight is proven to discourage the very habits you want to change — like eating more vegetables or walking more often. People who can accept themselves tend to move more, eat better and live healthier lives — and thus influence their kids to do the same. Remember: your weight does not determine what kind of person you are. People of all sizes are equally unhappy with their weight and shape. Focusing on the changes you want to make (for example, eating more fruit) rather than the number on the scale will help distance yourself from weight shaming. Also, focusing on other qualities (like being a good friend) will help you have the motivation and energy to make changes in your lifestyle.